We are looking for Dynamics 365 professionals that are looking to put their skills to work full-time, under contract, or as a Gig worker. 

We are currently developing a D365 GIG portal to help manage with Gig requests from both Gig'ers and customers. Come back soon!



Have Dynamics 365 skills and ten or so hours available in a week? In a full time job and need to stay anonymous?  Retraining and need earnings to pay the bills? On parental leave?

Identify yourself as a Gig professional with specific Dynamics 365 skills and roles of interest.  When a gig comes up that meets your skills and defined criteria, we reach out and get you started!

Interested in staying anonymous? Work directly with us to complete work packages while staying anonymous to the customer.



Already an independent Dynamics professional but don't have the time to look for new contracts?

Add yourself to our list of contract professionals. When a contract  becomes available your profile is considered based on experience, skills and roles of interest. When selected, you become part of the project team working together or virtually, onsite, in the office, or at-home.

Full time


Become a DXRMS consultant and enjoy coming together as a team to meet the challenges presented by prospects and customers.

We offer competitive compensation and work arrangements.

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