Mobile applications keep salespeople connected to data, team members, and customers. Delivering a CRM experience that is consistent across web, client and device is key to driving productivity and adoption. Always know where you are within your sales process, easily complete key tasks and advance the process to reveal what’s next.

Productivity gains one cannot ignore...

Efficiency Gainsimproved sales production from mobile crm

sales and marketing managers gain better visibility into how content is being used when content or a demo led to a lead qualification or order sales can update their account activity during and immediately after a client meeting leading to more data with more details - valuable for sales coaching and content development

Quality Improvement

reviewing customer activity and service issues in transit to the customer makes sales appear more knowledgeable allowing them to focus on building relationships

Increase prospects

with geomapping and other features, field sales can identify and contact prospects in their proximity when they have time available, increasing the number of prospect calls per trip

Mobility Options

Dynamics 365 mobility apps comes free with every Dynamics 365 CRM subscription. Simply install on your mobile devices and connect!

You will find the interface intuitive; however, you will likely need tweaking done so implement your own special needs which is where we come in. Small form-factor devices necessitate brevity to keep the interface simple to use. Further, mobile devices provide the ability to extend the solution to access the device's camera - useful for capturing receipts or serial numbers, for example - and positioning data - useful for routing or searching nearly prospects. 

An alternative to mobile app, consider using Dynamics 365 Email integration with Outlook. This feature provides direct integration with the email itself allowing for some useful utilities such as displaying Accept/Reject buttons in the body of the email as part of an approval process.

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