Our training services allow users to be more successful in their daily lives. We provide scenario based training so that users have operational knowledge on not only on how to work with Dynamics 365 features but also how and why. With user success comes initiative success.

Our training advisory services look beyond training as a means to obtain high user-adoption. We provide ongoing communication strategies to engage users. We provide change management strategies that encourage users instead of being barriers of frustration. And we provide a UX design services focused on improving the intuitiveness of forms and processes so as to avoid the need of training all together


Provides up to 8 students with a half-day (4 hour) onsite, instructor-led, end-user training on how to use key features of the out-of-the-box Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement or Sales solution. Training provides an operational understanding of Dynamics 365 including 'day-in-the-life' scenarios for multiple roles. Delivery includes 'cheat-sheets' for topics covered during training. Options to personalize or extend training are available.

Custom Training

Combine training options with QLearn to meet your enterprise needs. Frequently requested is a multi-day / multi-site, onsite delivery of a customized QLearn package. Custom training is provided in all of our Dynamics 365 projects.

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